It's been another crazy year in Idyllwild, but this time around it's not just us. Everyone is facing hardships all over the world. While our hearts go out to everyone who has been severely impacted by the pandemic, we remain focused on the needs of our mountain communities. Since we are obviously unable to have a massive festival all weekend, the board of Young Idyllwild Inc decided to go forward with an online event. We will show performances by Idyllwild Strong performers from previous years, plus some new faces. We will go live starting at noon on Saturday the 29th of August and we'll keep streaming until we run out of material. If you're a performer who would like to submit a last minute entry video, please contact us. Viewers are encouraged to donate to Young Idyllwild Inc so we can continue to assist the San Jacinto Mountain communities with disaster relief. A link will go live on this site on Saturday the 29th.